855-391-3278   EXT #2

SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
20x2011$125.00 $125.00/unit
23$345.00 $115.00/unit(Save 8%)
45$525.00 $105.00/unit(Save 16%)
61000$95,000.00 $95.00/unit(Save 24%)

4mil Polystyrene | Plasticade Frame | Laminated

There is space to add an optional personal logo to these signs.

Please note: Per Compass design regulations, the logo has to be in black or white and it has to be the Monogram(Graphic) Portion. No text underneath the graphic portion.

If you submit a color logo, we will automatically print the logo in black and white.

If you submit a Full logo, we will convert it to the compliant monogram Logo.